1.Up-to-date statistics allow the optimizer to accurately assess the cost of different query plans, and choose a high-quality plan.
2.As Mr Haldane comments: "A banking system that does not accurately assess and price risk is not adding much value to the economy. "
3."We were therefore no longer in a position to accurately assess Nine Dragon's credit risks. "
4.Bridge owners can thus safely and accurately assess the conditions of the stay cables at any time over the course of the bridge's life.
5.Instead, researchers have developed a new online tool to help people accurately assess their own fracture risk.
6.The visual patch-clamp method can accurately assess synaptic transmission by measuring postsynaptic currents of the dorsal horn neurons.
7.Most participants could accurately assess their odds of falling, but about a third were off the mark.
8.Indeed, a banking system that does not accurately assess and price risk could even be thought to subtract value from the economy.
9.Often too much is asked of them, or too little, because the adults cannot accurately assess what the inpidual child is able to do.
10.Works with customers to accurately assess their needs, provide information and solve problems (customer focus).